Monday, 25 March 2013

bridal nails & sweet wild nails

Pre-Wedding Photoshoot Bridal Nails... Gel Tip Extensions with Art...
She is a very nice lady who is so patient... We chatted and she let me slowly complete her nails... : )
I got to know from her alot of interesting things about rabbits... sounds fun to keep one too...

Bride-to-be actually designed her nails...
She did homework and told me what she wants...
so pretty right?

classic pedi with nail polish...
(well as more people are going for gel nails... normal polish really have been forgotten...)

sweet rainbow leopard print nails...
a tint of sweet pink nails on her ring finger and thumb with ultra bling ribbon bows

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Nail Pix

very popular design now!! pastel french with lace and polkadots!!

sooooo sweet!!

gel marbling... boho-chic style...

bridal gel mani!!

sorry a blur pic... my hands shake... But you can still tell its super bling!!!

matching gel pedi...

March updates...

Hi All... Soooooo sorry I forgot to update blog on our current promo...

There are 2 things to share...

1. Xiu Xiu Nails name cards are ready!!

2. On the reverse of all Xiu Xiu Nails name cards is our on-going promotion.

    With every gel mani or gel pedi done, you will get 1 stamp!

        Collect 5 stamps and get 50% off your next gel mani or gel pedi.
        Collect 10 stamps and enjoy a Free gel mani or gel pedi on your next appt!

  * Terms & Conditions apply